Course Outcomes

  • Explore identity as part of The Purpose Schema© 
  • Evaluate pain & other influences on identity & purpose
  • Explore kingdom sonship

Course Description

This course is for anyone that knows that there is a seed of purpose and greatness inside of you, but perhaps pain, abuse, trauma, betrayal, or even disappointment have somehow masked that greatness or crippled you from embracing and fulfilling your purpose. In this course, we're going to explore identity, your identity concept, and self-esteem as it relates to what we call the Purpose Schema © here at the Purpose/full Institute. We're going to ask you to reconnect with some points of pain and other influences on your identity for the purpose of healing. And by the end of this course, I believe that you will have reconnected with yourself and have been healed (or be on your way to healing), so that you can fully embrace your purpose. I believe that you will also understand how pain is doesn't have to cripple you from fulfilling your purpose; but your pain can become a platform and propel you into purpose. 

You're Worth It!

Get ready to be changed; get ready to be healed; get ready to do some inner work. But most of all, get ready to fulfill, embrace, and live on purpose.

Lenita Reeves, Your Instructor

Lenita Reeves is a former Accenture Consultant and has over ten years of instructional desigin and teaching experience. She is a trained Christian Counselor, doctoral candidate in Christian Counseling, founder of PurposeHouse Coaching and Counseling. 

In addition, is an author of several books including:

  • I Am: The Divine Purpose Manifesto
  • I Am Predestined
  • I Am Gifted
  • An Anchor for My Soul Devotions and more

She is an international conference speaker and a member of the RAINN speaker’s bureau. She has traveled the world to train leaders in London, Jamaica, Haiti, the Bahamas, Kenya, Uganda, and Ghana. From senior class president to director in Corporate America to founder of a non-profit and pastor, leadership has been an evident mark of Lenita’s life calling and passions. She has a Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering from Georgia Tech, a Master of Arts in Dance Education from the Ohio State University, and a MBA from the University of Maryland, College Park. She is currently a doctoral candidate in Christian Counseling and attended Beulah Heights Bible College in Atlanta, Georgia which was then under the leadership of Dr. Samuel Chand. For more information, visit